Love is brave. It requires us to show up, be seen, and risk the possibility of heartbreak. But let’s be real—one of the scariest moments in any relationship is asking the question: Where is this going?
We hesitate because we fear the answer. We tell ourselves stories—What if I come off as needy? What if I push them away? What if I don’t like what I hear? But here’s the truth: clarity isn’t the enemy of connection. Avoiding hard conversations is.

Why We Struggle to Ask
We’re wired for belonging, but we’re also wired to avoid uncertainty. And asking about the future of a relationship means stepping into vulnerability—risking rejection, disappointment, or even just an awkward pause. But let me tell you something: hard conversations are the birthplace of real connection.
If you’re asking yourself Should I bring this up?, then chances are, you already know the answer. Avoiding the conversation won’t change the reality of your relationship—it just delays your ability to understand it fully.
Daring to Have the Conversation
So how do we approach this moment with both courage and self-respect?
Get clear on your own needs first. Before you ask where the relationship is going, check in with yourself. What do you want? Are you looking for long-term commitment, or just making sure you’re both on the same page? Vulnerability without clarity can feel like a free fall, so take a moment to ground yourself in your own truth.
Lead with honesty, not fear. There’s a difference between saying, We need to talk (cue the doom music) and saying, I really value what we have, and I’d love to talk about what this looks like moving forward. One is loaded with anxiety, the other is an invitation.
Be open to all outcomes. Here’s the kicker—when we ask a big question, we have to be ready for an honest answer. And sometimes, that answer isn’t what we hoped for. But clarity—even when it’s painful—is a gift. It gives us the power to make informed choices instead of getting lost in assumptions.
Honor yourself, no matter what. If your needs and values don’t align with your partner’s, that’s not a reflection of your worth. It’s just data. And what we do with that data—whether we stay, set boundaries, or walk away—is an act of self-respect.
The Bottom Line
Asking where your relationship is headed isn’t about controlling the outcome. It’s about having the courage to be seen and the self-respect to seek the clarity you deserve.
Because at the end of the day, love isn’t about pretending we don’t have needs. It’s about being brave enough to express them.
And that is how real connection is built.
To read more about my views on this, check out this article where I was quoted.